You may know by now I am a BIG tahini fan. So when I saw My New Roots posting a tahini granola of course I had to try it, and of course, it was delicious. Unable to stick to a recipe for very long though I’ve changed some of the ingredients, added things I liked. But it’s still delicious. A nice balance of crunch, lightness, flavour, nutrients popping all over the place. With quinoa, buckwheat, seeds, nuts. It makes a great start to the day.. It goes really nicely with some sliced banana, a sprinkle of cacao nibs and homemade nut milk . Which I’ve also included a recipe for.. I’m feeling generous since it’s January n’all!

Oops and I added a good dose of cinnamon as it reminds me of my favourite Cypriot sweet when I was younger.. Tahinopita. Yum. 

Just to let you know as well, I’m posting recipes and ideas on instagram throughout January for Veganuary. A good excuse for you to give a plant based diet ago. I think you’ll find it easier than you think! It may also encourage you to cook from scratch more (which can’t be a bad thing?!).

Consuming less animal products makes more and more sense, it’s good for the environment, better for the animals who are raised for the industry, and good for your health and soul. So give it a go! :)

This is my adaption of Sarah Britten’s recipe, which she had shared from Emma Galloway’s My darling Lemon Thyme. Both beautiful blogs.

Tahini Cinnamon Granola


120g quinoa flakes

70g coconut flakes

50g rolled oats (gf or regular)

70g buckwheat groats

60g sunflower seeds

60g pumpkin seeds

60g sesame seeds

100g almonds, roughly chopped

100g cashews, roughly chopped

1 tbsp cinnamon

pinch salt

50g chia seeds

4 tbsp coconut oil

4 tbsp tahini

2 tbsp brown rice syrup


Pre-heat oven 160c. Mix all dry ingredients together except chia seeds. In a small pan melt coconut oil with tahini and rice syrup on a low heat. Mix into dry ingredients. Spread over lined baking tray and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden, taking out of the oven to stir half way through. Once it is ready, take out of the oven mix through the chia seeds. Cool and transfer to s airtight jar or container.


Almond milk

200g almonds – soaked overnight

1 liter water


Sweetener of choice and to taste - maple syrup, brown rice syrup, dates

Added flavours; cinnamon and vanilla are fairly neutral so won’t over power the rest of your breakfast. (I wouldn’t use if you’re planning to use the milk for savoury purposes however). 

Soak the almonds over night. You can skin them at this stage before blending, or leave them as they are. Blitz in a high speed blender until smooth. Strain through a muslin cloth or preferably a nut bag. If you make a lot of nut milk, or even sometimes do, I’d say it’s worth investing in a nut bag. They make things much easier and less messy! 

You can also try other nut milks,

Cashew, hazelnut, brazil.. 

Seeds also make good milks. Hemp seeds for example and  brown rice, you don’t even need to soak! Endless options. 

For brown rice milk use 190g brown rice to 500g water and follow the same method. 

This is actually quite a nice alternative as it's works out a lot cheaper than almonds, which is always nice, especially if you're going organic!

So there you go, a great alternative to cows milk. Nice to know also, better sources of calcium come from leafy green vegetables, oranges, tofu, brazil nuts... 


