Miso squash noodle soup

You have to make this noodle soup! It’s actually very simple even though it looks quite involved. The combination of the different elements comes together to make something quite special. You’ll be able to get these ingredients at either a Japanese supermarket or maybe easier, a health food shop.

The chili oil does require a little effort but it’s not a must, if you do make it, it lasts and can be used to add a kick to many dishes.

Serves 4

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 large onion, peeled and roughly chopped

4 cloves garlic, peeled and roughly chopped

600g peeled and chopped squash

20g fresh turmeric, peeled and chopped or 2 teaspoon ground

20g fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

1 piece kombu

8 dried shitake mushrooms

1.5 liter water

2 heaped tablespoon white miso

salt to taste

200g soba noodles



Sliced spring onion

Chili oil


Seaweed – I used arame & some wakame


For the seaweed, I used about a handful of each. Rehydrate in cold water for 10 minutes, drain & set aside.



4 tablespoon sesame seeds, toasted- I used black and white

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon dried nori flakes

1 teaspoon dried wasabi powder


In a pestle and mortar grind your sesame with the salt, add the nori flakes and wasabi powder, mix well. – this isn’t spicy the wasabi just adds a nice flavour.

Chili oil

20g dried whole long red chili

1 bulb garlic – peeled and finely chopped

150ml olive oil  // avocado oil

In a small pan on low heat, add your oil, then the garlic and cook for about 8 minutes until the garlic just begins to turn golden and crisp up. Make sure you don’t take this too far as the garlic will become bitter if it browns. Transfer the garlic & oil to a bowl.

Grind the chilis in a spice grinder until you have a rough powder. – you could use chili flakes here but I find grinding your own is fresher, spices can get a little stale sitting in your cupboard too long.  Mix the chilli flakes into the garlic oil & season with a pinch of salt.

* You should keep the heat on low here as olive oil has a low smoking point, which means it burns easily. Avocado has a very nice flavour and has a very high smoking point so you can turn it up a little but be careful not to burn the garlic.

For the broth

To make the broth; heat a large pan, add the coconut oil and your onion with a pinch of salt. Sweat for about 5 minutes, until they begin to soften. Add the garlic, cook for another minute, then add the squash, mix through and add the rest of your ingredients, except the miso. Cook with a lid on for about 10 minutes until your squash is soft. Remove the kombu and shitake mushrooms, discard the kombu and slice and set aside the mushrooms to top the soup with. Blend the rest in a high speed blender with the miso. Taste for seasoning, you shouldn’t need more salt but it’s good to check.

While the broth is cooking prepare the rest of your ingredients.

Cook the soba noodles according to the packet instructions. Slice your spring onions, soak the seaweed, prepare the furikake and chili oil if you’re using. 

Once everything is ready, divide the noodles between bowls, add the broth and toppings of choice.  Serve alongside some steamed greens.


