Another recipe for Growing Communities I thought I’d share here too..  Seasonal tostadas! Fresh vegetables organic and locally sourced and here I used Cool chile blue corn tostadas to fry up. You can also buy the hasa marina to make your own tortillas. A mix of local and the exotic. 

The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, juggling events, regular clients, and this Sunday gone we had our first Pilates brunch with Gina at the quirky Blank 100 in Dalston.

Starting with an hour of pilates then green mimosas in the garden. The weather was kind to us and we have beautiful sunshine! Then everyone sat down for a vegan Mexican Asian feast. Starting with mango and papaya salad with crispy turmeric tempeh. Then we had spicy jackfruit filled tacos, black bean chile and wild rice along with a fresh grapefruit salad and salsas and accessories to match.

I’m really enjoying doing these brunches, always such a nice relaxed group and an afternoon that fits so well with my style and ethos in cooking. The menus are inspired by my travels and love of Mexican and Asian flavours, where possible locally sourced, although of course this last one was a little tropical!

Our next is September 24th back at with Emmy Yoga. You can book tickets here. I’m off again for the summer to New York and California. We are hoping to host a pop up in New York again so watch this space… 


In the mean time, enjoy the recipe and more to come.


Broad Bean And Courgette Ribbon Tostadas with Carrot Top Hot Sauce 


A nice appetiser or party food.. Mexican tostadas made with seasonal British ingredients. 


200g Podded Broad Beans

1 Courgette

10g Thai Basil

10g Mint

1 Small Garlic

Juice ½ Lime

Drizzle Olive Oil



Cashew Cream


50g cashews, soaked for 4 hours minimum

50g water 

50g olive oil 

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 heaped tsp capers

1 clove garlic

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 tsp ground chipotle

juice ½- 1 lime


Carrot top hot sauce


1 bunch carrot tops

20g coriander

1tsp cumin

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 habanero or jalapeno (depending on how hot you like it)

juice 1 lime

100ml-150ml olive oil

salt to taste


8 cool chile blue frying corn tortillas

Oil for frying


Pod you beans, blanch in boiling salted water for 3 minutes, drain and refresh under cold water a couple of time. Peel the beans from their skins and set aside.

Using a shallow frying pan, heat your oil, test it’s hot enoughby dropping a crumb in, if it sizzles then it’s ready. Inbatches fry your tortillas until crispy. Set aside on some kitchen paper to drain.

Make the cashew cream by blitzing everything in a high speed blender for about 2 minutes until the cream is smooth.

Make your carrot to top salsa, burn the chile over an open flame until charred. This adds a nice smoky flavour to the salsa but you can skip this step, of blister until a grill. Blend all the ingredients with enough oil to loosen the salsa. Taste for seasoning.

Using a peeler shave the courgette into ribbons into a mixing bowl, grate in your garlic, add the rest of the ingredients, mix, taste for seasoning.

Serve your tostadas by spreading a table spoon of the cashew cream over the tortillas top with your fresh vegetables. Serve the carrot top salsa on the side of a small spoon on top.


