One of my favourite dishes when I was growing up and to this day.

We’d have it straight up without the spices, but feel free to add. It’s a surprisingly delicious dish for how simple it is, the fried onions are key and bring the dish together. I use brown rice for the extra nutrients and delicious taste, a complete meal with some greens to accompany.

I love it served with a fresh tomato sauce and a crisp salad. Pictured with Hackney salad and thinly sliced kohlrabi, and a dollop of tahini.

Mujadara  - Lentil, Rice & Fried Onions

200g/1 cup brown lentils, rinsed

100g/½ cup long grain brown rice, rinsed

700ml/3 cups water

5 small onions, finely sliced

150ml oil of choice  (to frying the onions)

50ml tablespoon olive oil

salt and pepper


Optional spices

1tsp ground cumin

2tsp ground coriander


Chopped herbs –




In a medium pan add your lentils, rice and water. Bring to a boil, cover and let simmer for about 35- 40 minutes until the water is absorbed and the rice and lentils are cooked. Once cooked turn off the heat and let sit to continue steaming for another 10 minutes.

While the lentil mix is cooking, heat a frying pan, add your oil, add third to half the onions, so they’re not over crowded, fry for about 7 minutes until they’re browned and crispy. Take out with a slotted spoon place on some kitchen or parchment paper to drain, do the same with the rest of your onions.

When your lentils are ready, mix through two thirds of the onion, season the rice mixture, add your spices or herbs to taste. Serve topped with the remaining onions and some greens to accompany the dish.


